Popcorn, the quintessential movie snack, has evolved far beyond the classic buttered variety. In Singapore, the world of popcorn has exploded with a cornucopia of flavors and textures. From sweet and savory to the downright exotic, popcorn has taken on a new identity as gourmet and flavored popcorn.
In this article, we’ll take you on a journey to discover the best popcorn in Singapore, with a special spotlight on the delectable world of flavored popcorn. Our top pick, The Kettle Gourmet is shoulders above the rest.
The Popcorn Revolution in Singapore
Singaporeans have long been fond of snacking, but the rise of gourmet and flavored popcorn has brought a revolution to the snack scene. Popcorn is no longer just a sidekick at the movies; it has become a star in its own right, with diverse flavors and a range of innovative combinations. Whether you’re a fan of sweet, savory, …