How to Create an Interesting Curriculum Vitae for Students

Curriculum Vitae or commonly abbreviated with CV is needed and very important to apply for a job. CV is still a benchmark for corporate HRD to assess their prospective employees. Therefore, when you want to apply for a job, you need a student Curriculum Vitae. You should also be able to put together a CV that is okay and can ‘sell’ your abilities. How to create an interesting curriculum vitae? Check out the way below yuk!
How to Create an Interesting Student Curriculum Vitae
1. Maximize the page
Personnel managers only need a short time to get the impression of job applicants until finally making a decision. Try the CV that you make is not long-winded and can maximize the existing pages.
2. Personal Branding
Personal branding is how you market yourself or create a brand for yourself. Maybe you have applied it in your social media, for example, you like to travel, surely you put a lot of photos of your traveling activities. Make sure you are a traveler.
Making a CV should also be like that so that the interviewer will see yourself more specifically. But, there is no need to describe too long either, yes. So, don’t waste cv paper with unnecessary things.
For example, if you want to work as a sports journalist, then you have to write a profile of how interested you are in journalism. You also need to write your journalistic activities on campus and write down your interest in sports to support it, do not write if you like to cook because it will not be connected.
3. Avoid typos
If the recipient finds a lot of typos, you may not get the next call. You will be considered minimal attention to detail and can be judged lazy and incompetent. Therefore, be sure to read and double-check your CV before it is sent to the company.
4. Pay attention to the work you are applying for
When you graduate from college, there may be several dozen job applications that allow you to apply. But, you need to know, the student Curriculum Vitae that you make may not be suitable for certain jobs. So, you have to be observant in making a CV, and you need to describe how you qualify for the job you will apply for later.
5. Write relevant experiences
Still connecting the previous point, you need to remember, no matter how much experience you have, to list the most relevant to the job you are applying for. For example, you sign up for a graphic designer position, then include your experience in the field of design. Put the most relevant experience at the top, then also explain the description of the experience.
6. List achievements by numbers
Avoid writing down your achievement responsibilities on previous experiences with the phrase “responsible for”. The sentence simply states the job description without explaining whether you have a good performance for the position.
As much as possible, enter a number on the description of the responsibility. For example, “successfully design an xxx event display within 3 days”, or “lead a team of 10 people in the organization”. By writing it, the recruiter so has an idea of your previous achievements.
7. Avoid words that are too rigid
You need to avoid using words that are too rigid. Because it is feared that the recruiter can not see the picture of your personality as a suitor because of the stiff sentence.
8. Make sure the subject in the email is clear
Job application applications received by personnel in a day certainly number tens or even hundreds, especially if the company is large. Screening job applications with the subject “Job Application” will be dizzying, the ends of the letter with the subject will be passed.
Therefore, give the subject of the document exactly like “CV – full name – division of choice” so that the application you submit and your CV can be more easily recognized.
9. Use PDF format
The size of the document that is too large can be the cause of job applicants not being called for an interview. Why? Because the recruiter does not have much time to download your CV that is too large. To make it easier for recruiters, send your CV in PDF format, then put it in zipping / rar format so that the size is smaller and neater.
10. Check your email address again
There are still many who use tacky email addresses such as ‘[email protected]’ or ‘[email protected]’. An email like that will make you seem incompetent. Never mind being called an interview, maybe the recruiter will not see the contents of your CV after seeing your email address like that.
11. Don’t get hung up on the cover letter
Usually, the CV is sent along with a cover letter or cover letter. The majority of recruiters do not pay much attention to your cover letter. So, do not be too fixated and waste time thinking about the best sentence that will be included in the cover letter.
That doesn’t mean you can make it. Keep making a good cover letter, but stay focused on the CV to be made.
12. Check back
In creating a student Curriculum Vitae, you need to avoid errors such as spelling, grammar, punctuation, and other types. Don’t let you send it or keep it without seeing it again. Avoid your writing mistakes by checking them back, or asking your friends to read the cover letter before sending it.
Also, note that you have included these important details in your CV:
• Photos
• Full name
• Mobile number
• Address
• Work experience is a plus
• Organizational experience and activities/projects that have been done
In addition to the above, to be able to attract the attention of HRD, you also need to make your CV look creative, you know. Nowadays, many sites can help you compile and create a CV with an attractive design and according to taste.