The season of love and romance named as Valentine’s Day is here and you must be excited to fill in the lap of your lover with all the great things of the world. Well, you can consider a cake to be your special gift and express your feelings of love in the most delectable manner. Have a look at these best cakes in Dubai to fill the day with more brightness.
Red Velvet Cake:
Red is the color of this season – always have been, always will be. This is a powerful color that emancipates the feelings of love and romance like no other color can. When you have to express that deep love to a special someone, a red velvet cake would be the right choice. This beautiful cake is actually a chocolate sponge cake mixed with beetroot juice or food color. The whipped cream is used to decorate this cake further. To add more exuberance to this Valentine’s Day, you can choose a heart-shaped red velvet cake.
Chocolate Fruit Gateau:
Who doesn’t love to have a bite of a chocolate cake? A chocolate cake is one among the most tempting things in this world. A chocolate fruit gateau is a chocolate sponge cake decorated with chocolate glaze and some fresh fruits like kiwi, pineapple, strawberry, blueberry, grapes, orange, etc. The combination of chocolate and fresh fruits would bring a fresh air of romance in your relationship for sure. Apart from being a great Valentine’s Day gift, this cake can also be a great anniversary or birthday gift.
Tier Cake:
A tier cake can be selected for the surprise Valentine’s Day party that you have planned for your sweetheart. This is the day dedicated to love and romance and a surprise must be there in your kitty to bring more excitement in your relationship. As it is a Valentine’s Day party, you must have called up some couple friends to be a part of the celebration, therefore, a big decorative tier cake would be just perfect for this evening.
Mango Cheesecake:
A Mango cheesecake is one of the most mesmerizing cakes you would eat. A cheesecake is basically a frozen one, unlike other cakes that are baked. The creamy, cheesy, velvety, and not-so-sweet cheesecake would be a complete heart-winner in this Valentine’s Day. Choose mango as the flavor which would add dollops of freshness and energy to your cake.
Valentine’s Day is celebrated with quite fun and excitement in Dubai. So, you would find easy availability of these enchanting cakes in Dubai to impress your sweetheart.